Tuesday, January 31, 2006

300 Pound Bench Press

When I threw shotput, I would work myself into a fury. I would find a competitor whose existence infuriated me. Anger got the hormones flowing. Anger stimulated me. Anger aided my performance.

I will still get mad in the weight room to push myself. Today was one of those days. I needed a stimulant to get me through three sets of five of 265. I needed something to compensate for my four hours of sleep. I did all three sets. I can still max at least 300.

The thing about this technique is that I have to come down. At track meets it only took finishing and looking at beautiful women run around the track. In the weight room it only takes finishing the bench press. I cannot get motivated for any other lift.

Today after finishing the bench, I realized the futility of my existence. I was so happy about that bench workout. What for? I commented on ML's blog about how people matter not worldly things. People are the only source of long-term happiness. You have to love yourself. You have to be happy in your own world, but people are more important than bench presses.

I looked around and saw a bunch of pretty boys and pretty girls trying to look better for each other. (I have always wanted to make a documentary on women going to the gym. There are so many stories there. It could say something about society. This project is right behind my book about my graduate school experience.) To many people lifting is a social event. I have never liked that attitude. Lifting has always been a spiritual experience for me.

Deep down, most people in the weight room are looking for a release. Something to break up their boring day. They are just looking for a better way. Who can blame them?

The quality of my posts are going to hell.

1 comment:

ML said...

are in the class of pretty boys and pretty girls wanting to look better for each other? If not, why are you there?