Saturday, February 25, 2006

"You Keep Carrying That Anger; It Will Eat You Up Inside"*

Marx was an a angry man. Anger drives some men. It gets them out bed in the morning. It feeds their ego. It feeds their soul.

U2 (a member of U2) said that you get to a point in life where you cannot be angry any more. You cannot live your whole life angry. It is no way to live.

Anger has driven me for twenty four years. One of my first memories is not getting a Fresh Prince CD I wanted while my sister got the Bon Jovi CD she wanted. I remember my grandfather yelling at an All-Star coach for not playing me. I remember another All-Star coach playing his son instead of me. I remember being 2nd Team All Jefferson District. I remember not winning Bridgewater's scholar athlete award. I remember the Neo-Marxist microeconomics professor. These things anger me.

The little ambition I have is driven by anger. It is a death trap. It is the road to an insignificant life. You cannot live life angry. It condemns you to a prison, where you are the warden, the guards, and the executioner.

What is the alternative?

I want to answer love. But I have no idea what love means. I have never gotten a satisfactory definition, maybe that is why I am angry.

My answer is satisfaction. It is looking in the mirror, admitting your flaws, accepting them, and moving forward with your life. It is a quiet confidence.

You cannot go through life angry. Marx died an impoverished man who was wrong. A man whose anger clouded his intellect and vision of the world.

*"The trust and self-assurance that lead to happiness
They're the very things - we kill I guess
Pride and competition
Cannot fill these empty arms"

from Don Henley's "Heart of the Matter"

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