Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Three Bills, A Wagon Wheel, And 14 X 225 And Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit

I benched 300 pounds (three bills), 315 pounds (a wagon wheel), and 225 pounds fourteen times. I can be happy about that for a few hours.

I ate a Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit. I have experienced few things better. It was like Bono biting the pear in the "Beautiful Day" video. Hope, relief, forgiveness, beauty, and life captured by a fructose rush.

I talked to a guy in the gym who was reading Krugman's newest book. I have written my thoughts on Krugman. I appreciate him, but I do not agree with him. The discussion made me want to publish a book. It reminded me why I chose to be an economist.

1 comment:

ML said...

I think you can be happy about the lifting for a while. I once ate a peach off of a Georgia farm and I couldn't believe the goodness that my mouth was tasting. I love when our senses are so overwhelmed it is like a high.

I don't think you should talk to people in gym about Krugman.