Friday, February 08, 2008

Some Questions

1. What was the more important invention: the cell phone or Email?

2. Who is the better sports writer: Bill Simmons or Jason Whitlock?

3. Who makes the best national brand delivery pizza?

4. How in hell can someone have a "well-behaved" utility function?

5. Why do economists "pretend, " I mean assume?

I am having a minor ideological clash with my advisor. It is like my Granddad told my Dad. "He can do what he wants. He owns the place. Listen or quit."


Anonymous said...

1. Email by a long shot. My iPhone is up there with a nice BJ and steak at Morton's but take away email and we might as well be using typewriters and slide rules and beating it to tranny porn while eating McDonald's.

2. Who cares, they're both fags that, to quote you, "Couldn't take a hit from a 300lb lineman."

3. Papa John's if you're talking national. If you're talking of anyone out there - I give it up for Aiello's Golden Crust on Elston in Chicago. The best, period.

4. More bullshit that doesn't matter. Next time you're wondering about this ask yourself this instead - "when was the last time my dick got wet? And why wasn't it last night?" 'Nuff said.

5. Because they have nothing else to do. If they were doing something worthwhile they wouldn't be living in playland. They're the equivalent of bank tellers without the customer service skills.

School's out forever.

Stephen said...

1. Email. Without the technologies that make email possible cellular phones couldn't exist. It is all about the network, just not the way Verizon talks about it.

2. Whitlock.

3. I like Garlic Jim's Pizza... best chicken bacon ranch I have ever had.

4. It went to Berkley.

5. Its easier than investigating.

Your grand father was a smart man. My grand dad had a similar philosophy. He sure *quit* a bunch of jobs... after telling his boss what he really thought anyway. It might have made him felt better and helped him sleep easier at night but it didn't do much for the bottom line. Its a hard call.

Anonymous said...

only have answer for 1 question.

Cell phone. more use cell phone. cell phoen more versatile. cell phone enables everyone to be mobile-not just computer people. drive an talk. always accessible. email only enables those near a computer to benefit.


Anonymous said...

"email only enables those near a computer to benefit."

Not with text messaging and email capacity coming standard with all cellphone plans. People I used to send email to I now text message. The days of the laptop are over with, long live the PDA!

[For the record I have an iPhone and love it. One of the greatest inventions ever. I'd put it up there with the condom and automatic transmission.]