Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Difference

Some people treat people like shit. They give menial tasks to their underlings and declare themselves too good for menial tasks. They expect other people to make sure their life runs smoothly. They act privleged, expect privleges, and treat people like shit. A disproportionate number of these people end up in academia and are from the north.

I once had a classmate throw trash on the floor, not pick it up, and say "That is what the janitors get paid for." I should have whipped that guy's ass right there. I should have beat him to a pulp. But I did not.

My football coach used to say "Don't act special, and you will get treated special." I do not know if he is right. But if I ever act special, I hope some one beats my ass.


Anonymous said...

Most people are insufferable pricks that need their ass kicked (myself included). If there's any one thing that makes me want to get the fuck out of the soulless vortex known as the DC metro area it's the whole attitude you just described. One of these days I'm going to lose it and pound the fuck out one of the ubiquitous passive-aggressive douchebags littering this cesspool.

God help us. It's only going to get worse.

By the way, are you ready for the coming financial Armageddon? Almost 300,000 sub-prime mortgages issued in 2007 have been foreclosed on and the rates haven't even reset. I can't wait to see the bullshit Bernanke and company try to do to save us once the 2 trillion in ARM mortgages reset in a couple of months. Stock up on guns and drugs, it's going to be a long year.

Anonymous said...

this past sunday night I watched a history channel show on Kit Carson. One thing it talked about was when the washingtonians made Carson ride his horse from the west to washington to deliver the news first hand of the opportunities in the West. Carson's take on the the washingtonians was that "these people are living the high life here in washington and have inflated roles in society that others falsely respect and in fact without their aristocracy/high society in washington, they would be other wise useless.. In the west, they would be nothing."


Stephen said...

In Minnesota, almost the west, they have a speical kind of revulsion for people who think they are special. They almost take it too far though and have this aversion to the word 'best'... some how this would imply we aren't all the same.

Wannabe Bastiat said...

I assure you do not need your ass kicked as bad as 99.9% of the people I am talking about.

I came as close yesterday to comitting a felony as I ever had.

This subprime thing is getting scary. I have no faith in Bush or Bernanke to do anything positive.

I am becoming more conservative like my father every day.

I have to catch this Kit Carson special.

This is the best (and maybe the worse) thing you have said about Minnesota since you got there.