Monday, December 07, 2009

Some Things

1. I have ear hair. It is on my lobe, not in my ear. It is faint and hard to notice. But it is there.

2. I don't know what to think about number 1. I am dumbfounded by it. I will probably trim it this evening, but how did it get there? Is it a sign of me getting older, wiser? Is it because of secondhand smoke? Will I have to take care of this hair growth for the rest of my life?

3. I was going to criticize UVA's hiring of Mike London. I don't like the idea of replacing Groh with someone from the Groh tree. I think UVA needs a completely different direction. A direction that accepts it isn't Virginia Tech, a direction that embraces the "we're one of the best and most rigorous academic institutions in the U.S." attitude. But the end of this article suggests that it does seem like London is a player's coach, so I guess we'll see.

4. I don't really care about UVA football or VT football. It is just something I was raised with, and I thought UVA would have gone after a bigger Division I-A name.

5. If I really didn't care that much about it, then why did I spend the time to post it.

6. I am reminded of the old saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." This will be my saying for my week.

7. This is the funniest thing I have seen in a while. It sums up the Groh era well.

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