Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Groh, Woods, And Honesty

There are two kinds of people in the world; those who seek honesty at all cost, and those who don't worry about honesty and create a delusional world where they are happy and successful.

The delusional world people can be very successful. The people who seek honesty cost hate delusional people and want to be like them at the same time.

I read the "Man in the Glass" poem in a motivational packet before a high school game. I don't think it is a great poem. It didn't speak to me then. It didn't speak to me when Al Groh repeated it Saturday.

But some times you have to live in your own world. A world where football means something and "your best" is all that matters.

Honesty at all costs requires one to look deep inside. It requires one to realize that "your best" might not be good enough. It requires you to admit that you've made commitments that you can't keep. It requires you to admit that we're all derived demands and dependent on somebody. And every time we think we aren't, life has a tendency to slap you in the face.

Delusions take away the sting. But the bruises are still there for everyone to see.

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