Wednesday, December 09, 2009

A Comment

I have mellowed. I don't argue as much as I used to. I try not to get upset about politics or news. I try to flush the "social" bullshit from my brain. I have too much personal bullshit to flush or wade through to worry about the "world." Life is about what is right in front of you. It is about making money and teaching yourself to be happy. I am not good enough to get paid to worry about the world.

So, I have not followed Climategate. I am skeptical about climate change. I am more skeptical about what politicians can do. There will be no solutions in Copenhagen. But none of this is worth me wasting my time worrying about. What I have taken away from Climategate is something I have learned during my time in graduate school, professors, scientists, and policymakers are all bullshitters. And to be a really good bullshitter, you have to passionate about your bullshit. Al Gore is a passionate guy. He is more passionate than the skeptics. I accept that. And as I said before, I am not good enough or passionate enough and don't care enough to challenge the Al Gores of the world.

But then I saw this post and this video. All I can say is it made me mad. It proved my bullshitter theory, especially Holdren's reply to Bradley. Of course, I don't have the courage to do anything. But it kind of feels good to be mad again.

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