Friday, March 28, 2008

Things I Have Learned

1. Make no assumptions about people. All people are crazy. Observe them. Study them. But make no assumptions about them. This is why modern economics fails.

2. When something hits close to home, I pay attention. I will always be a Crozet boy.

3. Preparing for rain does not guarantee rain. In fact not preparing for rain leads probably increases the chance of rain.

4. Sitting around thinking about something is not the same as doing something. There are times for both. But I would rather error on the side of doing something.


ML said...

You made my day by bringing up the JORACS. You should start a blog that puts articles like that up. I would suggest that it be anonymous at first.

Anonymous said...


#4 sounds like it should be its own blog post.

Wannabe Bastiat said...

Journal of Obvious Results And Ambigous Comparative Statics