Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Inability To Finish

I cannot finish. I am good at starting. I am good at getting half-way through. But I cannot finish.

I have not finished cleaning my office. It was too great a task to do everything I wanted to do, but I started and failed to finish.

I started cleaning my apartment. I have not finished. I will probably finish tonight but only because I have to.
ML told me a story about her nephew wanting to quit once he was losing a board game. His father would not let him. My father would not let me. But I hit reset on the Nintendo more than once when he was not looking.

It is about want. I do not want to finish. I thought I wanted a clean office, but I do not. I thought I wanted a PhD in economics, but I do not.

Sometimes finishing means quitting. Sometimes finishing means getting the hell out of Dodge. (With apologies to Rand) sometimes it means compromise.

1 comment:

Wannabe Bastiat said...

I have no idea what I want.

If I knew what I wanted, I would not be here.