Monday, November 20, 2006


I waste a lot of time. This fact does not make me a bad person. But I just wanted it out in the open.

Life is about balancing. It is about dealing with bullshit. People who fail cannot balance. They get caught up in the bullshit. People who are successful seem to "do everything" and find ways to either ignore or get around the bullshit.

Tyler Cowen at seems to always be reading five or six books at a time. His ability to read so many books has driven me crazy. Where does he find the time? Is he a genius or what? Does he really read them?

I have been reading the same three books for two months.

I read Hayek's The Counter-Revolution of Science in the shitter. I really think this is an important book that delves into a critical issue most economists ignore. Are we a science? Or, are we something entirely different? Hayek recites the history of how we got to where we are now.

I read Galbraith's Economics, Peace, and Laughter on the bus. Galbraith was not a great economist, but he was a great writer. His influence is more widespread than most economists would like to admit.

I read Joyce's The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man before I go to bed. I did not understand this book in high school. I understand it better now, but I prefer The Dubliners. Joyce captures the angst children and young adults who never exactly fit in feel.

When I really read something, it consumes me, and I finish it in a short period. I think these books are important, but I balance and decide I must come back to them in time. But will I ever get time? I guess that is another balancing question.

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