Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Sad Thing

I am walking into my building. A stray kitten purrs and rubs against my leg. It is skinny but soft. It tries to get in the building, but I do not let it.

I do not like cats. I am a dog person. But I hate knowing some dumb kid bought a living thing and could not find it in their heart to keep it fed. I hate living in a world where future bureaucrats and 'civic leaders' waste a kitten's life. I am jumping to conclusions about where the kitten came from, but it reminded me how imperfect this world is.

Against my better judgment, I pour a bowl of soy milk. I walk back out, but I cannot find the kitten. Someone was walking their dog, so it probably hid.

What can I do?

1 comment:

Wannabe Bastiat said...

Stat Boy and I argued about action versus thought. He agreed with you; act then think. I said it was better to think then act. Of course there needs to be a happy medium. Right now I am thinking. I have done a lot of dumb things acting before I thought. I also wasted a portion of my life thinking.

You are exactly right. The only way to make a difference is "through you own life." That is best lesson our fathers taught us.

I have no idea why I ended with a question. I should have cut the third paragraph. If you have an answer, I am willing to listen.