Thursday, October 20, 2005

Not A Very Good Post

ML pointed out that "my generation" was like all previous generations. She is right. We want to believe, but no one is willing to say "believe in this because it is right." I have never met a Christian who wanted to convince me that Christianity was the Way. I have never met a Frat Boy who wanted to convince me that partying was ultimate bliss. I have never had anyone tell me that I was wrong and they were right.

I did tell a food service manager "to get his thumb out of his ass" yesterday. There was a male manager staring at a female checker fixing a register while another register was broken. The lines were getting longer and the idiot just stood there watching the woman work instead of fixing the other register or opening up a new one. There is nothing worse than poor management.

It is frustrating to hold your tongue. Sometimes you have to say what you think.


ML said...

Sometimes, idiots need to have their idiocy pointed out to them. Quick question...have you ever convinced someone the were wrong and you were right? None of us are all that sure of even our deepest help convictions.

Wannabe Bastiat said...

No, I have never convinced anyone of anything.

I have tried to convince family members and co-workers that my way is better, but I never succeed. I once convinced my father that putting rubberbands on strawberry containers were not worth the labor cost. But, I have never changed anyone's philosophical foundations. I tried some with JobLess but look where he is working now.

Our generation doesn't have deep convictions. I am a clown who changes ideas every minute. I know we are young, but when are we going to grow up and recognize reality? I want to believe in something, but no one is offering anything.