Saturday, November 28, 2009

Post-Thanksgiving Thoughts

1. (This thought is because of Tyler Cowen and UrbanSpoon.) I love my mom's turkey. I love cheeseburgers and spaghetti. I seriously think that a good pecan pie could lead to world peace. But I judge restaurants (other than fast food) by a different standard. I want them to give me something different. I don't want a regular cheeseburger, I want a different cheeseburger. I had never really thought about this until a couple of weeks ago when I ate two of the best salads I have ever eaten. I usually never buy salads at restaurants, but these just blew my mind. I guess what I am saying is that I will now look at the whole menu and order the most interesting-appetizing-cheapest thing on the menu. I will not look for comfort foods, but look for something that if it is done right I will enjoy but if done poorly I will hate.

2. My dad says that stores being opened on Thanksgiving was a "race to the bottom." A few stores did it, now customers expect it, and we're all worse off. His idea being that there is no holiday anymore. Some people are off, but now they wait to Thanksgiving to get food or "run to the store" when they should be with their family. And others have to work and can't be with their family.

3. I kind of see number 2 as a "race to the middle" or a "race to the inconsequential." The idea being that holidays have lost meaning, but I can't see any other way.

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