Sunday, March 04, 2007

Statistics Everyone Should Know Especially Poor People

1. The lottery is a scam. I have heard a thousand commericials about how the lottery gives so much money to education. I am sure they do but at the expense of people who are bad at math and probably had a poor quality education. It is okay to play once in a while, but never bet your present and future on a one in a 4.7 million chance.

2. Knocking a woman up really has a low probablility. But if you have a lot of sex, then the odds that you impregnate a female increases. So have has much sex as possible, but remember to cover up.

3. An average or a percentage says nothing about an indivdual. Just because five percent of the population is unemployed, does not mean I am unemployed. Just because half of the country thinks something is true does not mean I think it is true, or that it is really true.

So to summarize:

1. Don't continuously bet on long shots.

2. Don't press your luck.

3. Statistics are crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's one you forgot - 99% of life is bullshit. Learn to enjoy the 1% that matters.