Friday, August 07, 2009

A Computer Crash (And A Post) That Means Nothing

A few weeks ago, my RAM went bad. I called Dell. I had two weeks left on my warranty. They would fix it.

But I was going to be gone for two and half weeks. I needed a computer to travel with. I went to Wal-Mart and bought a $300 netbook. I am happy with it, and it served me well on my travels.

My Dell was repaired ten days before I got back, and now it seems to be working well. I did not renew my warranty even though Dell's service (and FedEx) impressed me.

This post had no point but to acknowledge that it isn't the shocks that happen to us day-to-day. It is how we handle those shocks.


Sam said...

On the topic of warranty stories, my LG flat screen recently died. It was under warranty so I mailed it back to them. Three weeks later the (refurbished) replacement arrives. It won't even turn on.

How are you liking your netbook? I think it is an interesting concept, though I am still curious about the implementation. Does it have windows or run word? I realize there is google Docs, but for writing a dissertation I think its better to keep it all in one piece of software.

Wannabe Bastiat said...

I like the Netbook. Got one with XP and Word. It is made for Word and Email. It is the perfect airplane/airport/coffee shop computer.

Sorry about the TV. When electronics break early (which they don't do much anymore), they are a bear to get corrected. And I've found that warranties rarely help.

jeffreynutsachs said...

I've got a Netbook for work and it's a good "travel" solution but not something I'd use for a dissertation. IF you try to do anything requiring actual processor power you're fucked. Mine (which is brand new and the "premier" edition) slows to a crawl doing simple countifs() statements in Excel. Great idea, not a replacement for a good laptop (which is why I still use my 17" MacBook Pro.