Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Establish Productive Routines

This has been my motto recently. Part of life is tricking your mind and body into doing things that it knows are at best marginally important.

But I haven't developed any routine about computer file storage. For some unknown reason I took my flash drive home last night. Usually I Gmail files, but last night, I saved my working files on a flashdrive an brought it home.

This isn't insurmountable. It is possible for me to go home and be back in the office within an hour. There are also other things I can do.

But the whole thing reminds me how important "productive routines" are. Some things you just have to do the same way over and over again.


Anonymous said...

I too am having trouble getting motivated for classes. There are just too many things that I see of marginal value. Talking to other people in my program it seems that the people that went straight through to graduate school have more problem on this front than people that took several years off. Perhaps tolerance for bullshit is a stock resource?

Anonymous said...

Go out and get the book "Getting Things Done" as soon as you can, it will change your life. I have severe ADD and it's really helped me improve my productivity and also allowed me to keep on top of the zillion tasks that come my way each day.

Establishing ways to quickly and efficiently plow through the bullshit in life is the key to being successful in this age of metawork and project management. If you can't find a way to quickly contain the metawork monster you're going to have a hellacious time adjusting to the real world outside of academia.

Besides, as a PMP you can make more than David Orden and that's worth something, right?