Friday, June 15, 2007

Three Of My Many Faults

1. I have to be in control.

My Dad's anti-alcohol anti-drug speech consisted of "I never liked being out of control." He quit smoking cigarettes when he lit another cigarette after having one already lit. He knew then he could not control his smoking, and he quit (and gained eighty pounds).

I have taken his message to heart. I cannot stand to be "out of control." I cannot stand to think my future or present is in someone else's hands. No matter if it is a simple party or meeting, I think I could organize it better.

2. I require others to boost my self-confidence.

This probably comes from my parents too. I define my worth by others' compliments and criticisms. I know this is stupid. But I still do it.

I am getting better. I think this is one of the things that age and perspective cures, but it takes time. And I might be wrong; it might get worse with age.

3. I believe in justice.

I care. I cannot let things go. I believe there is a proper way to act. There is right and not right.

I get involved in other people's struggles. Many times this involvement is a diversion from my own struggles.

These three things are really the same. But their sum leads to me being an angry and unfocused person.

It can also lead to perpetual unhappiness, but I can and will change.


Stephen said...

"I require others to boost my self-confidence..." Quite a few theologians would say that God made us this way on purpose. That we were made to need God and derive are worth and happiness from being close to God. I think every man can remember back to that akward time when you are no longer a boy and not yet a man and, after doing something especially well, getting a "good job son" from your Dad and how much it meant to them. When we meet God somday, how much more will Him saying that we have been good and faithful servants mean?

Needing an external source to give us worth is how we were made. The danger is in allowing the clamoring of world or our peers to be louder than the Truth.

Anonymous said...

The truth is that only two things matter - money and pussy. Period.