Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Other Things

1. I finished Stuart Evey's ESPN. For the last half, I read the first and last sentence of each paragraph, and only reading the middle when necessary. I got through it much faster but still got the main points. Old men must justify their lives. Good businessmen recognize opportunities but are also lucky. Communication is also important.

2. Sam and some kids from Hampton taught me that I am too fat to play basketball. It was pretty disgusting. I have neither the stamina nor the quickness to guard anyone. I mean anyone.

3. I have no idea what to do when I run out of things to do while attempting to structurally procrastination. ML keeps saying graduate students are not busy enough. They do not have enough variety. There are only so many bills to pay, before I have to get back to writing my papers. As usual, she is right.

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