Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

My Mom (Santa) gave me a pair of jeans for Christmas. For the first time since I was twelve, the jeans are not "loose fit" but regular fit. They are tight and my balls fill compressed, but these jeans feel the same way jeans felt when I was twelve. It makes me nostalgic. It makes me ask where my life is going. And it is almost a New Year so...

My dream is to write a book concerning my economic experiments throughout the world. Each chapter could explain something learned that had nothing to do with the experiment. The book could teach economics without boring people. My first chapter could tell the story of being hit on by both a Filipina and a Filipino during my first experiment in the Philippines. This book would require me conducting economic experiments throughout the world and learning how to write, but we have to have dreams.

I want to become more professional. This resolution requires me to care about what I am doing or quitting. It also requires not doing anything menial until 2:00PM. Take care of my the duties I am getting paid for, then worry about the little things that need attention. It also requires not overthinking things. I have to learn how to distinguish between what is important and what is not important. I have been trying to do this for two years, but it is something I cannot learn from books or other people. It is something I have to figure out for myself.

Also part of being more professional is getting in decent shape. I am fat and will soon lose my ability to beat my younger cousins in sports. Losing is unacceptable. I should try and do something physical everyday. If that means push-ups, sit-ups, walking, running, or lifting weights. I should do something physical.

I have to keep expressing my ideas in written form. This blog is part of this process. I also need to a better job of writing for my job.

I might add, adjust, or give more details before the actual New Year, but I think this post is a good start at creating a better WB.

(Yeah, I am full of shit. My sister, GGM, ML, Jeff, Sam and others remind me of this continuously. At least I know it.)

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