Thursday, August 27, 2009

Amazing Things

  1. I woke up this morning in Blacksburg, Virginia at 5:00AM(EST). By 1:30PM(EST), I will be in San Antonio, Texas.
  2. I am typing this post on the flight.
  3. I could upload this post for $9.95.
  4. Since 5:00AM, I have checked my Email four times, once at my apartment, once on the bus to the Roanoke airport, once at the Roanoke airport, and once again at the Atlanta airport.
  5. I talked to both my dad and my wife while in Atlanta. My dad was in Crozet, Virginia. My wife was in San Antonio. The marginal cost of these calls was $0.
  6. I just typed "The marginal cost of these were $0." The computer corrected me.
  7. I am now publishing this post from our apartment in San Antonio. (By the way, I am in the shitter.)


1 comment:

Sam said...

The world is an amazing place. I think that could be an interesting tag line for a netbook, small enough to blog from the shitter.