Monday, February 16, 2009

My Day

1. I forgot my belt. This was a fireable offense at the grocery store. I kept my shirt-tail untucked most of the day. This looks sloppy. Tucking in without a belt looks like crap.

2. I was supposed to have a meeting at 9:00AM. The professor didn't show up. This did not help my day. It kind of killed my productivity. Of course, the productivity reduction is my fault, but this is what I was getting at in number 4 of this post.

3. I had a sinus drop. Ginger ale helped. Some cookies calmed the stomach down, but sinus drops are not fun.

4. I am upgrading Vista. "This could take up to several hours."


Anonymous said...

Wait, are you "upgrading" to Vista or upgrading to XP? I installed Windows 7 (i.e. the new Vista) on the VM on my Mac and it crashed within minutes. You need to switch to the Mac.

Wannabe Bastiat said...

Vista was one of the worst mistakes I have made concerning computers. Every time you think something is fixed, some thing else screws up.

Once I get some money I am going to Mac.