Thursday, March 27, 2008

Unfortunately I Cannot Kick Myself In The Ass

So I self-experiment:

1. I do twenty push-ups every time I walk into group (social) office with the refrigerator. This has worked well. I do the push-ups and visit the office less.

2. I schedule my day. This has been a disaster. Shit happens. It is hard to schedule the shit.

3. I just give a task an allotment of time. I have to do this task for two hours a day. I then keep track of the time I spend on the task. The problem here is not only shit happens but also I have to really limit my tasks. I have not been successful when I allot more than two hours to any given task. I have not been able to accomplish more than two tasks.

4. I drink a lot of caffeine. This has not been kind to my acid reflux. Caffeine especially from Diet Mountain Dew tends to give me a headache. Sometimes it helps me focus, but most of the time I get antsy and distracted. I also piss twice every hour.

I need to call my Dad. He used to be able to motivate me. But last night he started our conversation by telling me he "wasn't worth a shit." So I am afraid we will just bring each other down.

I guess it is like Nike says "Just Do It." Quit complaining and just do it. Stop worrying and start working. "Some of this bullshit is kind of cool." As Jeff says, "Why not?" As my old coach said, "Make excuses to lift weights not to skip weightlifting." "Never back up when you can go forward." Everything will be okay.

Really I am just in a morning funk, and I have been doing better lately. I will get out of this funk and move forward. As ML constantly reminds me, I will, and this is life's beauty.

The best thing I can do is to start recognizing that morning funks are just morning funks if you limit them to the morning.

Always move forward.

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