Saturday, March 10, 2007

Black And Brown

1. Black and brown do not match. My Dad always told me black goes with everything. He was wrong. It does not go with brown. When I was a child I thought like a child. Now I know black and brown do not match, but I still think like a child.

2. I do not work hard enough. I blame my laziness on boredom. But boredom is self-inflicted. I have to make my work more interesting or stop worrying about being lazy. I will probably stop worrying about being lazy.

3. I now officially have a Masters' degree and a diploma to prove it. I feel no different.

4. I have multiple accounts with Google, but I have never paid Google a dime. I like my relationship with Google. Some politician or wannabe politician will eventually go after Google for its monopolistic behavior, and good things rarely last. But I am happy now.

I also wonder if Google will eventually have to charge. Eventually cable television and pay-per-view was invented. I can imagine premium Email services like the ability to withdraw poorly written Emails and automatic replys.

It should be an interesting next ten years.

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