Sunday, March 18, 2007

As I Travel Down The Road To Mediocrity

Great things I heard and read today:

"...many have said of Jane Austen's novels that although the reader knows nothing will happen, he can't wait to find out." ~ From John Kenneth Galbraith's essay on Ed O'Connor

JKG was a pompous asshole who would have liked to see everyone ride horse and buggies (except himself).

But he can write.

An older colleague told me that she read Galbraith and Friedman in undergraduate economics courses. I did not. Maybe that is my problem. I am a PhD student reading undergraduate material.

But every economist needs to read JKG (and Friedman). They help remind the profession that articles can be written about issues that are discussed in the barbershop, articles that discuss ideas and not mathematical bullshit.

"Well I could have been a famous singer
If I had some one else's voice
But failures always sounded better
Let's fuck it up boys, make some noise!"

From Bright Eyes' "Road To Joy"

My Dad jokes, "All I needed was a ride to Nashville."

I could have been a great option quarterback, if I could run or pass.

I could have been a great, if...

"...I'm happy just because...
I found out I am really no one"

From Bright Eyes' "At The Bottom of Everything"


Anonymous said...

Try searching the terms "automatic negative thoughts" Whether you think you can or not, your right

Anonymous said...

'the older we get, the better were'


Wannabe Bastiat said...

I was going to make some comment like "I appreciate the pyschobabble.." But then I searched "automatic negative thoughts." It might be pyschobabble, but it makes sense and could help.

Thanks "anonymous."