Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Goals For The First Half Of The Year

By July 1st, 2007,

I will weigh 250 or less pounds. This means I need to drop about 15 pounds. I should be able to do this relatively quickly, but maintaining is the difficult part. It means I must change my diet. Right now, I just need to eat less.

I will bench 275 pounds three sets of eight. In October, I was doing three sets of five. Right now, I am probably at threes or fours. So I should be able to do this relatively quickly also.

I will bench 225 pounds three sets of fifteen. In October, I was doing sets of ten. This will be more of a mental challenge than anything else. I expect this will take a while.

I will be able to walk up the stairs to my office without being winded. I have been doing cardio exercise in small doses, but I must find the time to do more for more extended periods of time.

I will live an active lifestyle. I will walk up stairs instead of using the elevator. I will ride the bus or walk instead of driving. I will take walks instead of napping. I will participate in more recreational sports.

I wish myself good luck.

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