Thursday, July 30, 2009

Please Say It Ain't Rickey (But It Has To Be Right?)

Canseco has been proven right more times than he has been proven wrong when it comes to steroids.

I really think the whole thing is a non-issue, and I still will think Rickey is a hall of famer. Maybe it will open the door for McGwire and Bonds. Really I think the whole thing is just a funny story.


jeffreynutsachs said...

Bonds and McGuire don't deserve to be in the Hall. If Pete Rose can't get in neither should they. Also, why in the hell is Jim Rice in the Hall?

Wannabe Bastiat said...

I have no idea why Jim Rice is in. I think it is a Boston conspiracy. He was a good player just like Dale Murphy and Andre Dawson and Tim Raines.

I don't think anyone should be let in until Pete Rose is reinstated and is elected.

Wannabe Bastiat said...

I took Canseco's comment to mean that there was a hall of famer on the 2003 list. This means Rickey is the only one possible. It seems that I misinterpeted Canseco's comment meaning that it could be others besides Rickey.