Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I Have A Presentation I Should Be Working On But…

  1. First-class on short flights is for suckers, I think. I am sitting in coach with just as much room for half the price. I don't know. I have always heard once you go first-class, you don't go back. But I just don't see it on short flights when the plane isn't full.
  2. My wife made me get a massage yesterday. I enjoyed it.
  3. There is a real value to routine. Getting up earlier than you usually do can mess with you. Getting stuck in a bad routine can be destructive, but a good routine can be very comfortable.
  4. Comfort is probably what I look for most. That is the thing about the massage. I didn't want to do it because it made me uncomfortable ex ante. Ex post I was fine. Once I got in the room I was fine. It is just getting over that initial fear. That feeling of uncomfortable that makes me want to stay in certain routine. That makes me want to stick to the ways "I have always done things."
  5. Older members of my family also have this anxiety of anything different. It causes problems in later life. It keeps them stuck in destructive routines.
  6. Now I am going to start working on that presentation.


Anonymous said...

good quote I read yesterday:

"There's only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything. I do, and I demand that my players do." Vince Lombardi

Is this office wall worthy?


Wannabe Bastiat said...

Yes it is.

My dad always said that anything Lombardi said was "wall worthy."