Monday, February 18, 2008

Backward Induction Or It Is Really Later Than I Think

I would like to start a job in the Summer or Fall of 2009. Most jobs for the Summer or Fall of 2009 are awarded in late Winter or early Spring of 2009. To be awarded a job in Winter or early Spring of 2009, one must apply and interview during the Fall and early winter of 2008. The big job fair and preliminary interview process for my profession is held in late July of 2008. To effectively participate in this process, I must be at least two-thirds done with my dissertation.

The bottom line is I have less than six months to do more than half of my dissertation.


Anonymous said...

You could also join private industry and not worry about this nonsense. Just a thought.

Wannabe Bastiat said...

That is exactly right. I get so caught up in my surroundings, and I forget that a world exists outside of my surroundings.

Stephen said...

You still need to make a lot of progress on your dissertation. Think about it, every month we are working on our dissertations is a month we aren't earning a nice private sector wage. A wasted month on a dissertation is in the ballpark of $5500 (post-tax).

Just keep writing.