Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Curse Of The Fan

I have a cubicle on the fourth floor of a building built before air conditioners. There are a few windows but many of the screens have disappeared and cannot be replaced. I still open these windows, but my colleagues do not like the possibility of birds, bugs and other creatures entering their humble “offices”.

It gets warm on the fourth floor in Virginia when there are no air conditioners. You really never get used to it. You are either always fighting sleep, drinking cold liquids, thinking about drinking intoxicating cold liquids, or wondering what would happen if you rubbed anti-perspent over your entire body. It is not a very productive situation.

As I was walking through my favorite department store, I had a brilliant idea. I needed a fan. I went to the fan section, and I was amazed that I had so many choices. I could only use a small desk fan, but I had several reasonable choices. I debated with myself for longer than I wanted, but I appreciated the air conditioned store. I finally chose a $6 Haier fan. It met all of my stringent requirements; it was cheap, small, quiet, and cheap. This fan would only be useful for two months, and it would be in my less than aesthetic workplace. I do not make enough money to spend a lot on a fan for my “cell”.

After putting my fan in the cart, I continued shopping. Most of my purchases consisted of beef and cheese. I also bought a few tomatoes and potatoes. As I was checking out, I was glad that the fan only cost $6. If it cost any more, I might have not purchased the expensive ice cream that cooled me so well after a long hot day in the office.

The fan works well. It makes my days more bearable. It is still hot, and I spend way too much time in the lounge, but on the whole I am really happy with my $6 fan.

I learned this morning that Haier is a Chinese company. A colleague chastised me for buying anything Chinese. I also read that politicians have called for trade barriers against China.

If we limit trade with China, who is really going to be hurt?

I certainly do not want to give up my fan.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Proposition To The Blacksburg Town Council

All businesses under 5000 square feet should be required to gain a special operating permit.

Small businesses pollute Blacksburg. Many are dirty. Many give poor service and barely pay minimum wage without insurance. Many shut down in the matter of months. Many are frequented by dregs.

Small non-box stores have no place in Blacksburg. They destroy the character of this wonderful town.

The town council must save us from reverting to the 20th century. They must require a special permit for small business.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Two Kinds Of Work

There is deadline work. One finishes something because it has to be done. One gives his best effort, but the final product is recognized to be a compromise.

There is masterpiece work. One takes his time. One concerns himself only with quality. A man could be standing with a gun demanding the work, and he would not give it up until it was truly finished.

Most work is deadline work. Most people never do masterpiece work. Some masterpiece work can only appreciated by its creator. Some people do not have the wherewithal to finish masterpiece work. Most successful people quickly learn that in the end it is all deadline work.

But the most successful people only know masterpiece work.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Calories Per Dollar

I eat like an economist. I maximize calories per dollar. Given my budget I try to eat as much as possible.

For example, I went to Arby's. They have this magnificent 5 for $5.95 promotion. When making my decision, I immediately gave up on a diet drink for mozzarella sticks. I can get something to drink anywhere. I ended with two Roast Beef Melts, a curly fry, an apple turnover and the mozzarella sticks. I would have been just as happy getting a chicken sandwich combo for a similar price. But I had to maximize the mythical "value" function. I had to indirectly maximize my calories per dollar.

ML likes to use red and yellow peppers. Red and yellow peppers are expensive. I could never justify using them. But last night I tried them. I was pleasantly surprised. They do add something special to a meal. Something that increases the quality without increasing the calories.

My eating behavior is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I have to do something different. I can eat well and eat less at the same time. I need to add yellow and red peppers. I need to add flavor in lieu of calories to my diet.

I want to write some goals or some proclamations about what I am going to do, but that would be foolish.

No matter how much I try to change, I cannot escape my family roots. I will always get much pleasure out of eating. Like my grandfather and father, I will always live scared of not having enough to eat. I will always maximize my calories per dollar.

But I can try to get better.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Congressman Lantos Should Take His Actions Seriously And Resign

This shit makes me sick.

I love my dog. I would hate to see him suffer. I hate to see any living thing suffer. I would never participate in any type of animal fighting. I am not going to attempt to justify Vick's involvement with dog fighting. I do not think it should be illegal, but that is not what makes me sick.

This congressman's letter was a threat. It was a little man wielding power that he neither deserves nor can handle. I wish I could write a letter to him telling him that if he continues to pursue stupid shit like this, I would fire (not vote) for him. I wish he was informed on what liberty means and what government is supposed to do. This is how fascism starts. This is how Big Brother starts.

If I wrote on this blog that if the congressman Lantos had better resign or sanction himself or else I would take matters into my own hand, it would be considered (an empty) threat. I might even be thrown in jail. But he does it and, it is fine and fucking dandy.

It is almost time for another civil war. No let us just annex California.

In the end, the Vick brothers continue to disappoint. But government disappoints more.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Maybe This Will Help

I am trying to write a paper from my masters' thesis. Writing papers from masters' theses is never a good idea. The quality of the work is just not there. But I have to write a paper. It is my job.

My thesis is about the value people place on the environmental benefits from biotechnology. I come to some masters' level conclusions about practical issues concerning non-market valuation, the public good nature of biotechnology, and some behavioral issues with Filipinos.

I have two paper ideas that I cannot seem to expand upon.

The first paper idea concerns the valuation of research. Previous papers have concentrated on finished products, but I got values for research. Since much biotechnology is directly or indirectly funded by public dollars, it is interesting to see what values people place on research that will produce uncertain results.

The second paper idea concerns the practical issues of valuing environmental benefits especially in developing countries. The technique I develop addresses some of the major concerns of the valuation of environmental benefits from biotechnologies. This paper would be interesting because most previous studies use complex and expensive techniques, but I think my guesses are just as good if not better than their guesses.

I guess guessing makes the world go around. I guess I will write something.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Sam and I have been studying resistance, specifically insecticide resistance and antibiotic resistance. It is really a classic problem. It is the law of diminishing returns. You use something more, and it becomes worth less. When mosquitoes become resistant to the insecticides, Africans die of malaria. The same is true with antibiotics and bacteria except Westerners die too.

But I keep thinking that resistance is a wonderful problem to have. There has to be an effective product before resistance becomes worrisome. When there was no penicillin there was no resistance worries, and more people died.

I doubt if Sam or I can really contribute much to the resistance "problem." We certainly will not create the next drug that makes reisistance insignificant again.

But honestly I am not worried. It will work out.

Extra Thought
Sam has been reading about Black Swans. He is fascinated by them. I hope to comment later in the week.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Carole King's "Beautiful"

You've got to get up every morning
With a smile in your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
The people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find, yes you will
That you're beautiful as you feel

Waiting at the station with a workday wind a-blowing
I've got nothing to do but watch the passers-by
Mirrored in their faces I see frustration growing
And they don't see it showing, why do I?

You've got to get up every morning
With a smile in your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
The people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find, yes you will
That you're beautiful as you feel

I have often asked myself for reason for sadness
In a world where tears are just a lullaby
If there's any answer, maybe love can end the madness
Maybe not, oh, but we can only try

You've got to get up every morning
With a smile in your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
The people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find, yes you will
That you're beautiful as you feel

I have not turned into an optimist. I liked "Mirrored in their faces I see frustration growing, And they don't see it showing, why do I?"

Shit, maybe she has a point.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Find This Incredibly Sad

Junior is leaving.

I guess we will see how good a driver Junior really is. He is always complaining about his car. I do not know. He will always be fighting his father's shadow.

Time will tell.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Another Dopeless Hope Fiend 2

This post builds on this one.

GGM says he looks at what I am eating then buys it at the store because he knows it was on sale. This statement made it on my compliments I care about list.

I am a smart shopper. I worked in a grocery store too long to not be one.

A key to smart shopping is to never be hampered by cash flow issues. If the 24 pack of soothing aloe vera toilet paper is on sale for $6, do not buy the generic 4 pack for $1.50 because it is "cheaper" and "my roommate's fat ass uses half of it anyway." A smart shopper can eat and live well while also being cheap.

Also never buy fresh berries, melons, or corn in the winter. They are the definition of a waste of money. They have no flavor and are expensive. It is better to go frozen in the winter. But in the summer, fresh fruit is heavenly.

Good luck to everyone and thank you GGM.

Yeah, I am still another dopeless hope fiend.

In my first post, I sugarcoated the first compliment. The guy called me simple. And that is okay.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

One Of Those Mornings

I wake up early, but get out of bed late. My Internet connection crawls. I miss the bus. I try to fix breakfast. I forgot to seal the cheese package yesterday. I eat it anyway. I wait for the next bus. I forget my MP3 player, my backpack, and half of my lunch.

I cannot stand the silence. I have spent the last thirty minutes debating whether to print the papers in my backpack again.

The rest of the day has to be better. I guess.

Monday, May 07, 2007


I hate the Yankees. I hate the Red Sox. I do not care about Roger Clemens, but this quote from a Bill Simmon's reader is funny: "This is historic ... who ever heard of a rat jumping ON a sinking ship?"

I am a Braves fan which means I have been tortured over the past 15 years more than any Cubs fan. Oh yeah, I do not like the Cubs either.

I wish I had the talent to write about sports for a living.

How To Read

After observing that others read more than I do and wanting to correct this imbalance, I have decided to not only buy and collect books but also read them.

The problem I have is if I really read a book, it takes time. I write in the book. I critique every page. There is no way I can do this with every book, and I have improved with my "before bed" books. I do not even have a pen near the bed. But I think I have to get more books through the "before bed" queue.

Currently my bedtime book is Stuart Evey's ESPN. I have read the first couple of chapters. It flows, but I think I have already got the deepest insights. Should I move on to something else? Should I finish it or skim it? Does ESPN have anything to contribute to my life? What would I be missing if I put it down now? What am I missing if I continue to read it?

The easy solution is to read more. But the theme of this blog comes out again: I don't know. And no one knows. It is foolish to search for answers to questions that do not matter.

Yesterday a preacher said, "We will always have doubts." I disagreed with his context, but he has a point.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I Am Not A Communist

The following statements are positive ideas. They do not reflect my normative opinions even though I use "should" too much.

(The following is mostly GGM's idea. I just expanded on it.)

The minimum wage "should" be tied to other factors like age and number of dependents. A minimum wage is supposed to help people eat. It is supposed to give them a "living wage." Because of their parents, teen aged lifeguards and burger flippers need less pay to eat and "live" than single mothers trying to support their children. It is ridiculous that both teenagers and single mothers face the same minimum wage. An individuals' minimum wage "should" depend on their situation.

Now of course, this leads to perverse incentives for businesses. They will only hire low wage teenagers. So there would also have to be tax breaks for employers that hire single mothers. This system could aide welfare reform also.

I am pretty sure that other countries already have a variable minimum wage. (This is mostly GGM's idea, but I just expanded on it.)

(The following idea comes from "100 Calorie Snack Packs".)

Instead of regulating individual foods, government could mandate container sizes. For example soda "should" only come in containers that held less than 200 calories. No 2 liter bottles or 24oz Big Shooters, people could only buy 10 ounce (200 calorie) cans.

Container regulation would help some people count calories and control their caloric intake. It would also raise the cost of food and effectively tax caloric intake by not allowing any economies of package size.

I am not a communist.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Point

I am avoiding work. But as my What It Takes post sums up, I do not know what I am avoiding. My last two posts show what I have been listening to. I have a single hair in my eyebrow that is over two inches long. I keep forgetting to cut it. It looks horrible. I do not give a damn. I have a roommate that will not voluntarily pay his rent. I have the right to exist. I am getting fatter by the minute. I want to exercise. But I have excuses. People tell me that I need to seek counseling. I do not have the time. I want to be great. I really do. But I am a realist. I am also an existentialist and a libertarian. I am twenty five years old. I dream of a time when happiness comes easy. I dream of linearity. But I see in three dimensional scatter diagrams. I have no idea what a 3-D scatter diagram is. I have always wanted to know the proper use of the ellipsis...

Well, "I will meet you at Mary's place," and I will "be the best I can."

"Tell Me, How Do You Live Broken-Hearted?"

Bruce Springsteen's "Mary's Place"

"Mary's Place"

I got seven pictures of Buddha
The prophet's on my tongue
Eleven angels of mercy
Sighin' over that black hole in the sun
My heart's dark but it's risin'
I'm pullin' all the faith I can see
From that black hole on the horizon
I hear your voice calling me

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
Meet me at Mary's place, we're gonna have a party
Meet me at Mary's place, we're gonna have a party
Tell me how do we get this thing started
Meet me at Mary's place

Familiar faces around me
Laughter fills the air
Your loving grace surrounds me
Everybody's here
Furniture's out on the front porch
Music's up loud
I dream of you in my arms
I lose myself in the crowd

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
Meet me at Mary's place, we're gonna have a party
Meet me at Mary's place, we're gonna have a party
Tell me how do you live broken-hearted
Meet me at Mary's place

I got a picture of you in my locket
I keep it close to my heart
A light shining in my breast
Leading me through the dark
Seven days, seven candles
In my window light your way
Your favorite record's on the turntable
I drop the needle and pray
Band's countin' out midnight
Floor's rumblin' loud
Singer's callin' up daylight
And waitin' for that shout from the crowd
Waitin' for that shout from the crowd
Waitin' for that shout from the crowd
Waitin' for that shout from the crowd
Waitin' for that shout from the crowd
Waitin' for that shout from the crowd

Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up

Meet me at Mary's place, we're gonna have a party
Meet me at Mary's place, we're gonna have a party
Tell me how do we get this thing started
Meet me at Mary's place

Meet me at Mary's place
Meet me at Mary's place

"My Family And Friends Are The Best Thing I've Known"

John Cougar Mellencamp's "Minutes To Memories"

On a Greyhound thirty miles beyond Jamestown
He saw the sun set on the Tennessee line
He looked at the young man who was riding beside him
He said "I'm old kind of worn out inside
I worked my whole life in the steel mills near Gary
And (like) my father before me I helped build this land
Now I'm seventy-seven and with God as my witness
I earned every dollar that passed through my hands
My family and friends are the best thing I've known
Through the eye of the needle I'll carry them home"

Days turn to minutes
And minutes to memories
Life sweeps away the dreams
That we have planned
You are young and you are the future
So suck it up and tough it out
And be the best you can

The rain hit the old dog in the twilights last gleaming
He said "Son it sounds like rattling old bones
This highway is long but I know some that are longer
By sunup tomorrow I guess I'll be home"
Through the hills of Kentucky cross the Ohio River
The old man kept talking bout his life and his times
He fell asleep with his head against the window
He said "An honest man's pillow is his peace of mind
This world offers riches and riches will grow wings
I don't take stock in those uncertain things"

Days turn to minutes
And minutes to memories
Life sweeps away the dreams
That we have planned
You are young and you are the future
So suck it up and tough it out
And be the best you can

The old man had a vision but it was hard for me to follow
I do things my way and I pay a high price
When I think back on the old man and the bus ride
Now that I'm older I can see he was right

Another hot one out on highway eleven
This is my life its what I've chosen to do
There are no free rides no one said it'd be easy
The old man told me this my son Im telling it to you

Days turn to minutes
And minutes to memories
Life sweeps away the dreams
That we have planned
You are young and you are the future
So suck it up and tough it out
And be the best you can

Friday, May 04, 2007

Morning Reads

1. Russ Roberts is long but sharp.

2. Bridgewater will rule the ODAC once again.

3. Here is one of my professors' paper on "sex offender" stigma. I have not went over it carefully, and I am always skeptical of the inferential statistics. But I think the implication that people cannot separate between a sexual predator and sex offender is an interesting suggestion. This stigma effect has implications for health and other facets of life also. For example genetically modified products have fell under a stigma.

4. Jason Whitlock does it again. The thing I appreciate about Whitlock is that he is not afraid to question. I do not always agree with him, but I always finish his articles.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

What It Takes

I have been in graduate school for four years.

I have no idea what it takes to succeed at being a graduate student. I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing. I have no idea what I am supposed to be learning. I have no idea what I will be doing in the future. I have no idea of what it takes.

I have a bunch of clues. But they do not fit together. Do we strive to get good grades? Do we strive to do publishable research? Do we strive to finish for finishing's sake?

When I was playing football winning was the goal. When I was in the video or the grocery store profits were the goal. Of course there were gray areas. Of course achieving the objective was difficult and somewhat complex. But at the end of the day I came away with a better understanding of what it takes.

It is the end of the day, and I still have no better idea of what it takes then when I came here four years ago.