Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ella Fitzgerald Singing "I Forgive You Because I Can't Forget You"

This beautiful co-ed sits beside me on the bus this morning. I have to say something. It is raining, so "Did you see if it was going to rain all day?"

"I think so," she says with an in-between smile.

"I figured." I figured. I cannot escape my roots. I figured I was a dumbshit. I become dumbfounded and convince myself it is not an in-between smile anymore. My Hayek and Galbraith readings will never be able to make up for "I figured." I do not even think I told her thank you.

I am going to be an idiot my whole life.

But as I found out in a class later in the day, most people are idiots.

When a professor refuses even to attempt to answer tough but relevant questions, he should be fired. But that would mean half of the faculty would be gone at this University.

I am sure Sam will have more to say, but everyone including tenured faculty needs to look in the mirror once in a while.

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